Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


When I heard this song a few days ago, I knew that I would somehow have to include it into my blog. Now to just learn how to have it viewed here instead of just linked.

It has been a pleasure to see how Johnny Cash has used the trials of his life, to share them with us in song, and as a testimony to the real purpose of this life. Real men, of all kinds, are those who come to realize that all they are is found in who God created them to be, and not merely the current culture, or the world's definition of manhood.

I'm really enjoying our men's group at FAC, it's become a real ministry vs. a study time, where men share the application of Scripture as it meets them in their present state and circumstance of life. Not that we don't share things of the past that have defined us, or of the dreams that we might desire for, but in reality we have only today, and to reflect upon it and our actions before the One who lets no moment pass without purpose.

9Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out. Proverbs 10:9 (ESV)

One of the things we discussed last night was Integrity, and what that meant for us, for integrity is not merely what we do in front of people, it is more rightly what we do when there's no one watching. To walk with real integrity before a holy God is not an easy thing, it is both humbling, and one of submission to His desires and expectations, not the things of mere men.

And finally, men who desire to live with integrity, also desire to leave a legacy, which reminded me of the video Hurt by Johnny Cash... so that those who follow are inspired themselves to live lives of integrity as part of our legacy is to be men who are founded in Jesus Christ.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Why Journal?

For probably the last ten years I have focused on putting most of what I do on the computer, but when I do this I normally finish whatever it is that I'm writing, close the file, and possibly one day remember what I had created. Even my Bible software Logos has a feature with which to take notes, and in these notes one can copy links and all other really cool things, but again, once you're finished, how often do you pull it up again to review or add to it?

Well, since our men's retreat last September, I've reopened the idea about keeping a journal. At the retreat we were given a journaling aide designed to help one work through a complete reading of the Bible in one year, and how to write down the thoughts that came about through that reading. So this New Year I decided to keep a daily journal again, something I use to do all the time from my early years in life. It is a wonderful way to remember the times of one's life, both good and challenging ones, times of struggle, and times of wealth... most of all these entries have helped me to see where I was with God, and the relationship we have.

Blogging bears an amazing resemblance to Journaling, though for the most part, in a private journal one can be more open with the reality of their life, but then again, keeping a blog as a journal of one's life allows others to think about their own also... sort of reading an entry and saying to oneself, I was there once too. But keeping a private journal is a discipline which can also aide in one's intake of Scripture, and how good is it to take one's eye's off of the monitor, turn off any other items that could interrupt, and come close with God? So I ask you to entertain the idea of keeping journals, if for nothing more than to add discipline into your life when it comes to reading Scripture, with returns that will help you shape your life better, and to reflect on it too.

I hope to get better at this, and hopefully become more organized with my thoughts, but as in the journey, the first step is what counts!