Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Somewhere under this blanket of white is my lawn, of course it snowed again today, it snows every third day or so this winter. The good news is that Lake Michigan is up 3 inches on its water-level, but we would need several years of snow like this to bring the water-level to where it should be. I say, leave the water-level alone, we don't want anymore snow! I've raked my roof 3 times this year, so that my gutters won't damn up, but that's of little concern, for you see the first snow storm came 3 days after the old Elm tree decided to dump the last of it's leaves, and where do you think they landed... right, in the gutters.

Getting my mail I noticed that I might want to brush some of my shrubs too, once this fine fluffy stuff starts to melt, it will put too much weight on the branches. Some of the older trees have already lost some of their limbs, as the weight of the blizzard last week was too much for them. The bright side of things is that it finally warmed up a tad, going from -4 degrees yesterday to almost 26 degrees today.

That's life in Wisconsin, love it or leave it... I love IT!! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ralph! It is you!

What a beautiful blog.

Just stoppping by to say "hi."