Saturday, May 17, 2008

Little Matthews Story

Little Matthew Brian is the son of Matthew and Diana Scott, born August 23,2007. Their story is posted on the Children's Hospital "Caring Bridge" page found here . It has been my privilege to visit little Matthew and his parents several times, and in several places, unfortunately only once at his grandparents house.

This picture was taken about 1 month after Matthew was born in the ICU of St. Mary's Hospital. He had to have that little mask on because he needed light treatment, and a tube in his nose to help him breath. Every so often you could see him go into these little breathing episodes that looked like he was trying to catch his breath, similar to those little whimpers after babies cry, but of course very much different, just that it's hard to describe.This below is on a better day last fall where little Matthew joined everyone for his Grandma Scott's birthday dinner. Notice it was close to Halloween, and he had his Tigger Costume on. It looks like he was straining his eyes to view the menu.

This is Matthew and Diana, his parents, at the dinner table.

There have been many events, both good and bad in this young little one's life, but I know that even He is in God's purposes. Below is the latest picture that I had taken, and is at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee. I couldn't use my flash so the picture might be a tad blurry, but I didn't want to frighten him, because at the time he had a couple of ribs that were broken due to his disease

It is often difficult to know how, or what to pray for in little Matthew's life, there is so much need of the one who created him, yet much of his needs have come to be fulfilled through doctors and nurses, and so we pray for them as they minister to Matthew. So then, we are merely faithful to pray, even in those times when we are not sure of the words, or are overwhelmed at the situation life has brought.

Matthew, I pray for you constantly, and when my words fail to know how, I seek this Scripture and pray it for you, knowing that our God keeps you and provides you with everything.

Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. 3Give us each day our daily bread, 4and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation." Luke 11:2-4 (ESV)


Mike said...

God bless you , Ralph, for your ministry heart. How ever you know this couple, one thing seems clear from your post that you are Christ's hands and feet there with them.

Thanks for being you.

Ralph said...

Thanks Mike... I've learned from you that pictures are powerful, which I've tried to incorporate into my little blog.